This would have made this company Google's LARGEST acquisition ever...
Google just tried to buy a particular company a few weeks ago for between 5 and 6 BILLION dollars. This would have made this company Google's LARGEST acquisition ever in their history! What did Google see in this company? Well, that it's on the verge of a paradigm shift in marketing, thus diverting a HUGE pool of money in a different direction. They wanted to control it!
What if there was a company that was just started that worked almost exactly like this company, except that instead of making just itself and its shareholders worth 6 Billion dollars (on its way to probably 20 Billion and more), it actually decided to include all of us? To re-build America by helping hundreds of small businesses everyday compete against the large corporations, create tens of thousands of new jobs across America, and allow all of us to share in the profits at the same time.
What kind of profits? If we just gave you the answer here, you most certainly wouldn't believe us. Here's how we're going to ask you to get the answer The Customer Advantage
Oftentimes when something is totally free, it's hard to see the money'. By the end of the call, we're sure you'll SEE IT! This WILL BE the next internet sensation like Facebook is, and you're being invited right now to help out and take part as a founding member! You won't see this on the web anywhere else at this time. The model is proven, and recently validated by Google's desire and offer to purchase this model.
This is in Pre-launch, so understand that the special daily e-mails haven't started yet. The Customer Advantage
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